Tuesday, 14 June 2011

Status Quo Pictures of Matchstick Men.

Not everyone's cup of Stewart Lee. Maybe a little incy wincy bitty bit crude but it's funny. I can't tell a joke. I can't remember a joke. Something to illustrate in these dark days. I must not attempt to be a political cartoonist. I must not attempt to be a fine artist. I must not attempt to be a childrens book illustrator.......


  1. Well, i don't speak in your language, but i'll try to say something...
    ¡You are an excelent artist!
    I wish, here in my country, sells some book of you (but i don't think)

    -Perdón, mi inglés es horrible-

    See you.

  2. Your Ingles is understood. Thank you for the compliment. I'v just had a quick look at your Un.Rincon.de.Sombra(Otro Blog mas) I was really taken by the drawings The Hungarian Tragedy powerful stuff.

  3. Hi, thanks for visited my blog.
    Here, in my country Lajos Szalay was (and is) a master of masters (Carlos Alonso, Sixto Aurelio Salas). Sadly- he doesn't very recognized. Also, it’s hard to find books for a great numbers of artist –you are an example and Szalay is another. If you -with luck- find one, you must pay an expensive price. This is the reason what I want publish one of his books. (after I´ll the same with another Szalay´s book thet I have).

    Thanks Again.
    And I repet that I still surprised for your drawings. You are great.

  4. Thats was funny even if it was a facebook joke..to the guy above..I like Lajos Szalay work too..another great inker.
