Tuesday, 10 April 2012

Uncle Wiggily

Maundy Thursday afternoon dead as a door-nail with Brian in a Sudbury charity shop. A 1922 edition of A Christmas Carol with illustrations by John Leech and Gone With The Wind by Easter Sunday... Uncle Wiggily and His Friends.


  1. I think rheumatism crutches should feature more in children's picture books, as well as muskrats, nice monkey barbers and jacketed singing poodles...

  2. Well, it WAS as dead as a door-nail until we arrived.

  3. Monkey barbers do a nice business in the Eastern region of Albion they are expert at fashioning the French Poodle - and the muskrat population is epidemic.......now where did I leave that damn crutch? It is all very dubious.

  4. Coffin-nail. Dead as a coffin-nail. Seven long years.
